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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Idle Hands

The old adage claims that Idle Hands are the Devil's Playthings. That seems a bit severe, given the time of year and all, but I will say this; I need to find something for my hands to do (leave that alone, it's too easy!). What I'm implying, is that I need some handlebars to wrap my hands around. This down time is killing me. It's bad enough when the weather prohibits me from enjoying the hiways and biways, but the season has been slow to bring in the snow and salt. We're almost to the end of the year, and the roads are still crystal clear and beckoning! Argggh, it leaves me searching for other things to do to occupy my time. Things I'm not used to. Things...festive! What the hell is going on? Look what I did to an unsuspecting little tree out in the otherwise darkened wooded area by my house? Now folks driving by will think I'm going soft or something.

And as bad as that is, look what I did to my poor Jeep!

Ok, in all honesty, I did these things on my own. I've always liked it when I saw some random tree, out in the middle of nowhere, all lit up. And, I thought running Christmas lights inside my Jeep would be pretty cool. Although, it does kind of run against my normal driving demeanor...which makes for a great way to screw with people! Now, when I pull up beside some Ahole that's been driving like a Dbag, I can snarl at them out my window. They see my angry face, but they also see all the festive lights adorned about me - leaving them at a complete loss.

What kind of deranged lunatic would adorn his vehicle with pretty lights, only to then disparage folks for their lack of driving courtesy toward other drivers??

Ahh, the holidays. So much fun, so little time.

I do with I'd get my bike back soon, though. Just think; all this wasted energy would be refocused to entertaining myself on the roadways again. (And, you'd start getting posts of a less-retarded nature.)

(Wishing I were able to) Ride Hard, Take Chances

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