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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ohhh The Weather Outside is Frightful...

So today is the first actual snowfall of the season.  We've had a couple of minor overnight dustings prior to today, but this one is the real deal...ok, so not really.  It's not supposed to accumulate to much, but in looking out my window, all I can see is white flurries coming down, the sky is a pale white, the tree limbs are starting to sag a bit, and traffic is moving at a crawl.  So for all intents and purposes; I'm calling today the first real snowfall.

My bike is probably pretty happy right now; ordinarily it'd be parked in my unheated garage but since it's in the shop, it's probably warm and toasty.  That's all well and good but I want it home (and running properly) so that I can try and squeeze in some more miles before the calendar page flips over to the new year.

Still pretty slammed at work, but I've got a week off coming up (between Christmas and New Year's) so maybe I'll be able to scare up something exciting to share with you folks.

Until then, keep the fireplace warm and the beers cold.

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