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Friday, December 20, 2013

Sabres, Service, and Solstices

Wow, look at me; three posts in three days.  I'm on a tear!  Let's get caught up to speed.

I guess blood really is thicker than water, because it doesn't look like Dana sat out last night's hockey game.  The B's lost, meaning I owe King and Lynner a beer each.  Tim tried muscling in on the bet as well, but he waited until after the Sabres had scored their first goal.  I told him he was out of luck unless he was willing to spot me the goal they'd already scored.  I never heard back from him, which was good for me, since the Sabres went on to win.  Next time, Tim!

The weather is getting warmer, the roads are clear, and tomorrow looks like a good day to ride.  Which of course means it must be time to drop the bike off for service again.  Yup!  The good news is there'll be a bit of riding involved, as I'm bringing it to Cape Cod HD's Service dept.  It'll be about 60 miles or so, which will feel GREAT!, but then it'll be a 4-wheel ride home, courtesy of Matty.

I'm meeting him for breakfast @ 9, we're gonna knock back some grease and calories, then head off for the dealership.  I've got my fingers crossed that it'll be a quick and easy fix (and cheap, despite the fact that it's a dealership doing the work).  Hey, focus on the brigtht side, right?  At least it should be fixed, finally.

What else...what else...oh yeah!  Tomorrow is the winter solstice.  Sweet!  That means the days will again begin getting longer.  'Course, it'll be about 4 months before we really get to appreciate that, but still; the process has to start somewhere.

I've got next week off from work (company shutdown), so there'll be quite a bit of mischief achieved, I'm sure.  I can't post updates to this blog from my phone, so unless I happen to stumble upon an internet connection along the way, there will be a bit of a delay (about a week or so) before I write again.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and an awesome New Year's!

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