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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

'Vous Video

I got home last night to find a package waiting for me.  It wasn't ticking, or leaking any fluorescent liquids, so I brought it inside.  Inside, were the DVD copies that King and Lynner had made for us Massholes.  Sweet!  I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but they said it was a good one this year so I'm looking forward to watching it.

I know my posts of late have been lame in frequency, and in content.  There's not much I can do about that; been busting my hump at work, and around the house.  Nothing exciting to share, I'm afraid.  The bike goes into the shop again on Saturday so hopefully I'll have some good news to share soon.

Part of me would like to bitch about how it always seems that my bike goes into the shop around the ~December timeframe, but that would be bad juju.  I should be grateful that it hasn't been going in during the warm summer months.

Ok, enough chit-chat, time to get back to it.  Hopefully everyone out there is still getting some miles on.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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