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Friday, November 14, 2014

First Snow!!!

So we got our first snow of the season.  It wound up to be a whopping 1/2 inch, and it caused traffic on the way in this morning to be snarled for minutes upon minutes.  No real need for that, though.  The 1/2 inch only managed to turn the grass slightly white but the roadways were nothing more than wet.

Looking out my window right now, I should have brought the bike in but took the Jeep because I wasn't sure what the black ice conditions would be.  (As it turns out, they were non-existent.)  Oh well, I'll have it out again this weekend.

Winter has its shoulder pressed against the door and is trying to force its way in but I've got my boot wedged against the bottom and am shoving back with all I have.  I'm not ready yet.

There's still time to ride!

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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