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Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's For The Kids!

This past Sunday, a few of us went on a benefit run.  I'd never heard of it before, but this was apparently it's 10th year in operation.  It was a toy run, to benefit kids in New England Hospital, so how could we refuse?

We  hadn't even been notified about the run until about 5 days beforehand, but once folks heard it was for kids, those who able to rearrange their schedules to accommodate, did.  When Sunday arrived, we had 5 people - not a bad showing considering the short notice.

The weather seemed like it was going to cooperate; mid 50's and sunny.  Very nice for a November day!

We all had our toys loaded up and headed off to the run.  Pulling in to the 49's Club in Bridgewater, I didn't see that many bikes.  Huh...that's too bad.  Well, let's see where we can find a parking spot...

As we continued past the few rows of bikes in front of the club, we soon saw that we'd have to continue on past the club to find an open spot...and that's when we saw the parking lot tucked in behind the building, and it was pretty full of bikes.  Nice!  This is much better!

We tucked ourselves in toward the back of those already there, stowed our gear and then headed in to get registered.

On the way in, I couldn't help but take a pic of this character.  I'm sure some kid will be very happy to wind up with this sizeable toy!

After registering and milling about for a bit, it was time to get rolling.  I snapped a quick pic of part of the back parking lot...

The run itself was very, very good.  Not only was the weather awesome, but the route was very nice as well; long stretches of open biway without much interaction with other vehicles.  There was one spot where we bunged up a large rotary quite badly, but as is usually the case; most folks 'got' it.

At the end of the run, we set our kickstands and deposited our toys in the ever-expanding pile inside.  That is a great collection of toys!!!

We grabbed some grub and threw some money down on some raffles, and then kinda milled about again.  The hall was huge, but there was such a great turnout that it was pretty packed, and many of us were almost elbow-to-elbow.

Fortunately, Phil noticed a few folks head to the back of the hall and exit through a doorway.  Opening the door to check things out, he was happy to report back to us that the party was going on outside, too.  Sweet!  Let's get some fresh air and elbow room!

This place had an awesome setup.  We grabbed a table beneath an open pavilion and kicked back while listening to the outside band play (there were bands playing inside, too - this party was big!)

They also had a fire pit going, ringed with chairs and bales of hay.
Before not long at all, there was quite a crowd gathered around it and tossing more wood on to it.  Nothing like a November day with a happy crowd gathered around a campfire!

The sustenance was delicious.  There was chili, chowder, and my favorite; beef stew!
This stew was some solid, stick-to-your-ribs kind of stuff.  Perfect for a day like today!

After a couple of hours, we decided to break for home.  Along the way, Greg pointed up at the sky; there was a bit of a cloud halo around the setting sun.  It stood out much more in person than these pics convey.  I did my best to snap pics of it, but I was operating a moving motorcycle so you'll have to forgive me if they're not the best pics.

As we got closer toward our homes, the group began to shrink as folks peeled off in their own directions.  Phil and I wound up back at the Post to check in.  We had some more laughs with a few of the guys that were already there, and it was a great way to wrap up what had been a great day.

A great run, a great cause, and a great number of toys for some kids who I'm sure will greatly appreciate them.  That, is what I call an awesome day.

This run has been added to the rotation and will definitely be done again next year!

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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