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Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Needs to Spring!

The weather folk had called for a nice day yesterday; sunny, temps in the mid-40's.  I should have known better than to get my hopes up, though...

Matty and I had tentatively agreed to take the bikes out for a lunch trip/ride but as Sunday got closer, we realized we'd need to wait until Sunday morning to see how the roads were.  Well, after snowing for most of the day on Saturday, combined with temps which fell into the low 20's overnight, Sunday morning greeted us with ice-covered roads and overall unwelcoming conditions.  This of course meant we scrapped the plan to go for a ride. Fcuk!

The weather folks are saying this Friday we'll actually hit 60.  Time will tell, although they're also calling for rain, so I'm sure that part of the forecast will be correct.

My fear is that we're going to straight from winter into summer (high temps, high humidity), just likes we've seemed to do the past number of years.

Oh well, at least we're able to ride in humidity...

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