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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It's A Marathon, Not A Sprint

Some of you know that I went on the wagon for a while.  It wasn't an official thing, I did still have a cocktail every now and then if there was something special going on, but for the most part I was astaining.  I was also watching my diet, working out each day.  I wanted to lose all the winter weight and be fit and trim for the summer.

And the Matty had his birthday party.  Is that bad? No, it was awesome.  But I'd been tiring of the abstaining thing and looking for a reason to pick things up again.  And Matt's party seemed like a great time to let loose.  So I did.  And then I checked out a brewpub in CT the following day.  And then I had some events here at work, and then there were some events at the Post, and then I had the guys over for poker this past Saturday, and then a bunch of us took Monday off and went into Boston for Patriots Day, which means pre-gaming @ 8am when the bars open, then going to the Sox game, then post-gaming afterward and watching the Boston Marathon participants running toward the finish line.  Some of them were unsteady on their feet - 26 miles of running will do that to a body.  I was also unsteady on my feet - (seeming) 26 hours of drinking will also do that to a body.

I guess what I'm saying is that I crammed ~2 months of lost partying into a little over 3 weeks.  I need to slow this pace down.  Maybe even go back onto the wagon...

...let's see...what does my schedule have coming up...oh lord...Regatta.

Yeah, looks like it's full speed ahead.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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