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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Regatta Approaches!

Work has been a bear of late, but a respite lies on the near horizon.  Regatta!  Me and Zig are splitting Dodge early on Thursday and headed west.  We should be able to make decent time and will hopefully find ourselves in or near Olean city limits by 4 in the afternoon.  We're gonna pop up to see Pat and King, then visit the graves, then hopefully swing in to say hello to Jerry and Barb, then it'll be on to Mark and Mary's.  Somewhere in there, we'll catch up with Mikey who's coming up from Joisey, as well as hit the liquor and food stores for weekend supplies, as well as hitting the V to say hello to folks.  I chatted with Myszka briefly yesterday and we're gonna see if we can catch up on Thurs night.

Friday won't see a slowdown of this hectic pace- we'll meet up with Myszka and run at high speeds over some mountain passes (like last year), arriving (hopefully) safely at Regatta, proper.  From there it'll be hugs and handshakes with the crew, getting things set up, then kicking the party into high gear for (long into) the evening.

Saturday morning will be a rise and shine, stuff some food base into our bellies, then head for the waters.  Once launched, it'll be a long sweet ride down the river, enjoying the company of about 2,000 of our closest friends.  Who knows what kind of mishchief we'll find ourselves in.  But we're not worried - weather looks good, and our livers are well trained.

Hang on, it's gonna be a whirlwind for sure.

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