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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Pardon The Interruption

I've been lax again, I know.  My workload has been pretty brutal lastely so I haven't had much time to do anything but crunch numbers.  The good news is that this month's plan wrapped up yesterday so I should have a span of about a week or two where I can get some things posted up here.

So...what should I post?  I realize I've been absent but you haven't missed anythng grand.  The weather has been unseasonably cold, but at least the snow has gone away.  We had days and days of overcast/drizzly/rainy weather so the grass is looking nice and green...and long.  Did I mention that my lawnmower shit the bed at the end of last season?  Yeah, so I don't have a means of mowing right now.  I suppose I could drag out the snowblower and give that a try.  I'm pretty sure my neighbors wouldn't even give me a second glance, I think they're used to "the wacko next door".

Let's see...what else...  We've been busy at the Legion.  We have a few new members coming on - one guys is transferring from an American Legion in Germany.  Say what?  Yeah, I didn't even realize we had one over there.  Turns out we don't have one.  We have several.  Cool!

We're working on putting together some runs this year including a bike blessing in about a month, and a scavenger hunt in August.  We're also partnering with local The Fisher House (a non-profit which provides housing for military members and their families if they're in the hospital).  Greg and I are having dinner with their executive director in a week and a half, and she's going to introduce us to the local VP of The Warrior Foundation so that we can begin assisting them with an annual run they do.  In turn, they are going to help promote the Shayne's run that we do in September.  All kinds of good stuff.

The weather should start getting better soon - I hope so, anyway.  The Cinco Finito event is in a little over a month and preparations are already underway.  I hope to see every one of you that reads these ramblings, in attendance.

There; you're all caught up with what's been going on.  Now get out and get some miles on.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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