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Saturday, March 29, 2008


Didn't take the bike out yesterday (Friday), the weather was too lousy. But I did have it out today. I had to ride out beyond Worcester to help a buddy who was moving. Gassed up for the trip, rode through some snow squalls on the way, but things calmed down by the time I got to where I needed to be. We loaded some large furniture and a couple of refrigerators, drove to their new location and hoofed everything up to the top floor (why is it always the top floor?) and got things set up. When that was all said and done, it was time to bulk the odometer some more.

Gassing up again, I rolled back down 495, picked up 95 and just headed south. Crossed into RI and then into CT. I didn't make it down quite as far as Zig and I did the other night, but it was well past Foxwoods. The temps were falling slowly, but when they're only starting out in the mid 30's, they really don't have to fall very far to get your attention. And the wind? Yeah, there was lots of wind.

I'd had enough (and still had to turn around and retrace my steps), so I pulled off, figuring I'd find some gas and maybe a Dunkin Donuts for a hot chocolate, and then I'd just loop back to 95 north and head home. Well, there were no DD's in the area, but I did find a gas station - but get this; it was 10 cents more expensive if I used my credit card. I didn't think any places actually did that any more. I was so disgusted that I just left. Besides, I still had enough gas to make it home...or so I figured.

I got to see my odometer click over automatically to the Reserve indicator again when my fuel dropped way down. What I didn't know, is that when that display drops below 10 miles left (before your tank gives up the ghost), it changes to read; "Low". And I got to see that happen tonight. Great - so I've got something less than 10 miles of fuel left...hmmm...I was close to my exit, but I was pushing things a little too close for comfort so I took Zig's exit and hit a gas station just off from there a bit. Filling up, the bike took 5.5 gallons (apparently that Reserve odometer is a bit conservative, eh?), and I'd gotten 175 miles. Not as good a mileage rate as the Fatboy got, but this bike does have a bigger engine. And a bigger air cleaner/EFI mapping setup. And it's very cold out there. I'll have to see if the mileage improves once the temps come up in the summer.

And now I'm home, almost sitting on top of the wood stove as I type this. Freezing? Yeah, just a bit. I need to get some food into me, take a nice hot shower, and then things will be good again.

Current mileage on the bike; 720. If I put 160 on tomorrow, that should leave me in good shape. Then the commuting mileage for Mon/Tue/Wed, plus the ride down to the dealership Wed night, should put me right on the money. That's the plan, anywho. But we all know what happens to plans...

Looking forward to the summer temps, that's for sure. Now it's time for grub and shower. Catch ya later.

Ride Hard, Take Chances.

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