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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pulled the Trigger

Well…we did it. Zig and I went to Ocean State HD last night and looked things over. We sat on the various models, fired them up, compared colors and options…and finally made the decision to go with a couple of ‘08 Electra Glide Classics. Zig went with Vivid Black, I went with Pacific Blue. Ocean State sells at list price, so there wasn’t a lot of haggle room for us, but since we were taking two bikes, we had a bit of leverage (we liked to think so, anyways). They made some concessions for us and everyone was happy. We signed on the dotted line and will get to pick them up in a week or so.

The only down side is that I love the Fatboy and would love to keep it. But since I’m hardly made of money, I’ll need to sell it to get myself back into the black. I need to get my hands on replacement tins & tank to pretty things up a bit. (Anyone out there know anyone with an extra set?) Some good news is that there’s still a year left on the warranty, and it’s transferable, so that should help, too. (Anyone know anyone looking for an ’02 Fatboy?)

It’s been some time coming, but the need for upgrading couldn’t be ignored. With more and more (and longer and longer) trips falling into place (Sturgis!), it just made sense to go with something that had simpler - and more - packing capabilities. And let’s not forget the aspect of having a radio. I’m tired of serenading myself on the roadways. Have you ever heard me sing? No. No, you have not. And there’s a reason for that; I suck!

It’ll be the end of a (mini) era, so to speak. That Fatboy and I have covered a lot of miles and seen a lot of things. It’ll be nice to break in new steed, but I sure won’t forget that Fatboy.

Pics will follow once I pick the new EGC up.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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