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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Logic? We don't need no stinking Logic!

A thought occurred to me yesterday…Zig and I cancelled our trip to Scotland because it was going to be too expensive. We opted to stick around in the great US of A, instead. It would be cheaper, after all, right? Ahh…but then we decided that our USA trip would require an upgrade to brand new baggers. So in essence, this ‘cheaper’ plan of ours is actually going to cost us about 4 times as much as a trip to Scotland would have. (I’m not sure where the logic in that is, but apparently I’m now qualified for a management position.)

Sure, the argument can be made that while this plan will wind up costing us more, we’ll have more to show for it. A trip to Scotland would have left us with vivid memories of fantastic experiences, some probable jet lag, and a lot of photos. Our current plan will leave us with brand new bikes which we can savor for years to come. And Scotland isn’t going anywhere soon, right?

Regarding the aforementioned new bikes; the call has come in from the dealership; they’re ready to be picked up. Zig is looking to get his either today or tomorrow. Myself, I’m still digging for loose change in the cushions at home, strolling the side streets for empties to redeem, and borrowing from strangers on the street. With any luck, I’ll have things lined up by the end of the week and can bring my new addition home. Pics will follow.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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