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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Holy Crap, I sure can ramble on and on...

Sorry for the lapse in posting. As mentioned previously; I had half of last week off and I used the time to put up a shed, as well as finish the framing in the cellar. Next will be the wiring and rough-plumbing, but that probably won't happen until after the party.

Cleaning up the cellar to make it presentable took me almost three hours - even I forget how much of a mess I can make sometimes. But things look not too shabby right now.

Speaking of the party, I need to build a couple of beer pong tables so that folks can play that activity OUTSIDE. Outside, where all the spilled beer will fall harmlessly onto the ground and not need to be cleaned up. Although, Brother Bill reminded me that I have no outside lights so once it gets dark, the games will wind up moving back inside. Not sure if I'm going to install any lights outside or not...

'Course, the ice luge will probably have to be inside, anyways, since it'll melt way-fast if it's outside. And that thing makes much more of a mess than any beer pong game, so maybe I should just accept the fact that the cellar floor will wind up a tad messy again...

What else. I've chatted with the NY crew and they've got their reservations made at the local no tell-motel, so that's cool. Looking forward to seeing those folks - and hoping like hell that they have good riding weather for the trip out and back.

Talked with Mike (pig roaster extraordinaire) and we'll be killing the pig on Friday afternoon (the 16th). Not sure what time that process will kick off, but I'm hoping to get that wrapped up by early evening so I can shoot back and catch up with the NY crew as they should be arriving sometime around then - barring any problems, knock on wood and all that.

Had the first backyard (chimenea) fire on Saturday night. I was beat from working all day and didn't feel like going to a bar, so I shot to the liquor store, picked up some fancy (IE: overpriced) beer and kicked back at the homestead. Lit the fire, cracked a beer and dove into an old Steven King novel. Not a bad way to pass the last couple hours of sunlight on a Saturday. Brother Bill joined me after a while, and then an hour or so after that, Flex came by and we proceeded to get a good buzz on.

Current weather? Ass, ass, and more ass. But the clouds are breaking up and it looks like I might have a dry ride home. (Or at least; not as damp as the commutes from the past day and a half have been.) 'Course, Michigan Paul and Joerg rode out to Niagara Falls for the weekend and I think they caught some rain, so I guess I shouldn't complain about 45 minute stretches of precipitation.

Got a memorial ride coming up on Saturday. I don't know what the overall turnout is going to be, but from what I've heard, it could be sizeable. I'll get some snapshots taken and get them posted.

Sunday is the annual (spring) Keene swap meet and I'll head up there. I'll see if anything catches my eyes for the Fatboy project that's coming up. Oh yeah; I couldn't find my title for that bike so I had to contact HD to obtain a lien-release from them. That just showed up in the mail, so now I gotta hit the registry to get a new title. Once that comes in, then I'll get that bike back on the road and do all the fun things to it that I've been wanting to. There'll be some posting about that, for sure.

Ok, I guess that's enough rambling for now. I hope everyone is doing well. Last week's weather was amazing - this week looks more seasonable (IE: cooler), but the good stuff is on it's way. Events and rides are popping up, and schedules are filling up. Take advantage of all chances to ride - you never know when they'll run out.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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