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Monday, April 14, 2008

Time to Bitch!

Last week, I made mention of wanting to post a ‘bitch’ and since today is a Monday, it’s as good day as any. But I’ll make it brief;

Each day on my way in to work, I pass by house after house with kids waiting for the bus. Which is more than normal, hell most of us took the bus at some time or other in our childhoods. But the thing that runs up my ass sideways is that the parents of these kids that feel they have to drive their (SUV/sedan/truck) out to the end of the driveway to wait with them.

Now hear me out; I think it’s fantastic for parents to wait for the bus with their kids. You can talk about the day ahead, review homework assignments, generally spend some quality time together. It’s all great. But do you really need to sit in a car to do this?

Some of you might be thinking; “What if the driveway is like a mile long?” I’d say tough crap, deal with the exercise and enjoy the walk. Besides, I’m talking about driveways so short, that once the child has departed, the parent doesn’t even have enough room to turn the vehicle around before rolling it back into the heated garage. Driving 30 feet just so you can stay in your pajamas and slippers? Give me a break.

Ok, I’m done.

Or am I? Hmmm…I’ve got tons of things I could bitch about…

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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