Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rolling Thunder XXIV

You’ve seen the pics I’ve posted so I’ll try to fill in some of the blanks on the trip that was Rolling Thunder 2011.

The ride down was great – very hot on the roadways, but the traffic wasn’t bad at all. The time seemed to fly…right up until we hit DC/VA, that is. It must have been at this time that the traffic gods had had enough of us whizzing through everything, for they set their greatest tools of congestion upon us. Miles and miles of stoplights, and rush hour traffic. (Shannon had peeled off shortly before we hit downtown Arlington, fortunately for her.)

We finally reached the intersection where Steve and Jan peeled off, and that left me with a mere ~7 miles to K’s house. But that ~7 miles took me almost 45 minutes! I was so happy to pull into her driveway and shut the bike down.

After cleaning up, K brought me out to a multi-floored establishment in downtown Arlington on Friday night. The top floor was a roof-top bar – nice! Well, until the SOLID BLACK clouds started moving in! That was pretty cool to watch as they were rolling over the tops of the skyscrapers, with the bolts of lightning leading the way! Yeah, glad I’m not on the bike right now! We settled our tab and headed to the first floor, where we could catch the BRUINS victory in Game 7!! Woo-Hoo!!

Saturday was a few things around the house to help prep for the cookout on the following day, then it was off to Fort Washington (Maryland) Harley for a bit of a rally they host annually. A band, some vendors, free food, and lots of bikes. Not a bad thing at all, to check out in the afternoon (we tried to catch Steve/Jan/Shan, but they’d left before we arrived). Also, this is where I found one of my flagpoles had broken. Luckily, the brace holding the two poles from shacking into each other when I’m riding, kept the broken pole from falling off the bike. I removed the flag, and K’s friend Rob tossed the broken pole into his truck, and we were off to the rally.

From there, it was back to get cleaned up and head into town again. We grabbed something to eat, as well as some Cap’n & Gingers at an outside eatery, then it was off to pick up James (K’s roommate), and then we were off to another roof-top bar to while the evening away.

Sunday! Run day! We got the last few things ready for the cookout, then jumped onto the bike and headed into town. We found an available spot not too far away from the route, pulled in and shut down. We headed off to see the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, then strolled up to see if we could find the WWII vet that K had befriended last year. He wasn’t in his usual spot, so we’re not sure if he’s still with us or not (we hope he is, and that we simply missed him). From there, a quick walk back up to the corner to see SSGT Tim Chambers and to catch up with Steve/Jan/Shan. (We got to meet their son, John, too.)

SSGT Tim Chambers stands on the corner of 23rd and Constitution Ave, every year, in full dress uniform.

Prior to the first motorcycle’s approach, he shakes hands and hugs and tears and laughter with the throngs of people that come to say thank you, and to share the Rolling Thunder experience with him. Once the first bike approaches, he assumes his post on the corner and stands at attention, saluting each and every bike that rolls by. After the last motorcycle has passed, he again returns to the crowd to share the same love and support of country with those around him. The heat and humidity this year were tremendous, and yet he stands at this post for hours and hours. Additionally, he was dealing with some medical problems this year, but despite the immense pain he appeared to be in, he never left that corner. (If the hundreds of thousands of motorcycles isn’t inspirational, just watching this Marine, sure is.) For those that haven’t yet made this trip, you really need to put it into your calendars. It’s a day that you will never forget.

Ok, back to the weekend. With a cookout approaching, we had to take our leave before the end of the run, so we beat feet back to the bike, picked up ice, and shot back to K’s house. And just in time – no sooner had we started getting things laid out, than folks began arriving.

The crowd was a decent turnout, with plenty of merriment mixed in. The smell of burgers and dogs on the grille made a great backdrop to the laughter and stories that permeated the back yard. When our bellies were full and the daylight had begun to wane, we moved the remaining revelers up to the porch and settled in for more fun.

With a long day on the road ahead of me, I said my goodnight’s around 9 and made my way inside. A nice shower, then sleep-time for this weary traveler. (In looking back through prior years, I see that I am indeed getting old. In year’s past, I’ve stayed up until midnight before hopping on the road a few hours later. Not this year! I wanted some sleep! Call me old if you want, but I unless this is Steve, Jan or Shan reading this, I didn’t see you making this trip! :-))

The ride home was great once again. On the road nice and early, we beat most of the traffic. We encountered just a bit of rain in CT, but stopping for a quick lunch gave the skies time enough to clear off, and we were soon back to hammering the roadways.

10.5 hours down, 10.5 hours back. But the rides were great. Traveling with Steve this year, I went a different route than in past years, and I have to say I liked it much better. Usually I just hammer 95 all the way down and back, but there are many stretches of that route that are just plain ugly. Steve’s route was much more scenic and enjoyable.

One thing that was a bit disappointing; we all noticed, both on the ride down, and over the course of the weekend, that there were a lot fewer bikes than usual this year. (The economy seems like the most likely culprit, as we know many folks are really being hit hard.) Hopefully things will be better all-around next year, and we can be back up to 500,000 bikes again. Actually, next year’s will be the 25th annual – I imagine that will be something not to miss! So start planning for it now!

And that’s Rolling Thunder XXIV. A great ride down, a great weekend, and a great ride back up. I could get used to more of this kind of thing.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

Monday, May 30, 2011

And it continues...

Potsy is up to his old tricks again. Meet Brie!


10.5 hours back w,/great companions. Home, check texts, buds are riding! Back on bike and met up with them. A quick refreshing (two) beers, and now: road again!

Homeward Bound

Making good time - already in NY. Gas stop and another application of sunscreen, and we're rolling again.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

We're at the wall...almost. The line of people waiting, is immense. I hate lines. Except this one. This one, I appreciate and respect.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Me & K

A great pic of K. Me? LOL, yep: sunburned and feeling good.

Rooftop Bar in DC

We're hanging @ our second rooftop bar in two nights. Cool breeze, open views, a bar right next to us. Life doesn't suck tonight.

The Captain Is In

Quite warm outside, still. Switched over from beer to ice cold Captain & Gingers. Potsy is about to start hugging the glass to cool off.

Time For Stout!!

I'm logged on to K's laptop at the moment, and that frees me from the limitations of text updates. (I can only write a little at a time when I post from my phone - but being logged on, I can write to my heart's content!) Sweet! What I'll do is go back down through the posts of late and add a bit more info to each one.

Anyway, the work around here is done, we then headed off to Fort Washington HD for their annual mini-rally. Some vendors, lots of bikes, and free food. Not shabby at all. We tried to catch Steve, Jan and Shannon, but they were already gone by the time we arrived. From there, we came back to her house, traded the bike for the car and headed off to Trader Joe's to get stuff for her annual cookout. While there, I found another stout I haven't tried yet!

Oh yeah, Potsy was digging the whole "Made in America" theme at Trader Joe's, and said he wanted one of the free stickers they were giving out. I wasn't sure what he was going to do with it... When he saw me get my camera out to take a pic of the beer, he asked me to turn around for a second. When I turned back, this is what he'd done with it. The guy is a nut, what can I say. He insisted on being in the pic, too.

So anyway, the beer was a letdown. Dammit. I'm not having good luck with these things. The best stout I've had in ages was a milk stout from the BBC about a month ago. I forget who the brewer was, so I may need to make another trip soon...

And speaking of taking a trip, our stomachs are grumbling so it may be time to go find a bar...

Standing In

Potsy says he'll take the place of the broken flagpole. He's feeling the Patriotic energy.

Oh Snap!

Potsy does not approve of the inferior quality of the wood.

Yes, we lost one of the poles. It must have been the ride across the Woodrow Wilson bridge. I tried to keep the speed down but I guess it wasn't slow enough. Thankfully the broken pole didn't slam around too badly. (I connected them together with a metal brace to help make things sturdier, and that brace kept the pole and flag from falling to the highway when the pole snapped.)

Also thankfully, the snapped end didn't seem to have banged up the paint at all. I'll check again later but I think I dodged a major bullet.

K's friend Rob took the broken pole off my hands for me and I folded the Patriot Guard flag into the tour pack. At this point, now that I know there is a question about the structural integrity of these poles, that after tomorrow, I'll take the US Flag off the remaining pole and just dispose of it (the pole) here. I'll bring the flags back home and rig up a stronger, better, faster setup.


Home from the bars. James gave me a Yuengling. That's great and all...but K gave me a fellow friend for Potsy! (Ok, I basically requested him.) We need a name!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Where are the Potsy groupies?

No cute bartenders for Potsy tonight. Hell, no female bartenders! They're all guys! I think K is messing with me... I made her take a Potsy pic as punishment.

Insult To Injury

She only had one beer in the house, and now K's put me to work. Potsy? He's no use - he's screwing around with his new friends.


10.5 hrs. Great trip except for the last 1.5 which saw typical DC traffic. But I'm here; hot, dirty & thirsty. Need Beer! Wha? K only left 1 beer here? Corona??

Jack isn't on this trip so Steve gets to hold Potsy.

Jack isn't on this trip, so Steve gets to hold Potsy.


More sunscreen - it's farkin hot out!! Traffic treating us well, overall. About to cross into Delaware...

Quick Snack

Just into Jersey. Fuel for the bikes, and for Potsy. The sun is blasting us, which means I've once again become great friends with my buddy Mr. Sunscreen.

Rolling to Thunder

Snoop & Potsy are ready to roll. Roads are quiet, fog is burning off... Let's go.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ready For Thunder

The bike is packed up and gassed up. I'm tired, but wired (I have a hard time sleeping on the night before a road trip!). A nice Imperial Porter should help ease the eyes down.

Tomorrow: we roll to the Thunder!!

Flags Flyin' High

New flag mount receiver is installed - I'll be able to have the flags flying for Rolling Thunder. Nice. Very, very nice.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Thunder Approaches

I’m still reeling from this year’s Cinco de Roasto event. Between getting only a couple hours of sleep that night, doing the Matt Brown run the next day, working on Danno’s bathroom, and trying to do my job here at work, I’ve managed to run myself down enough that I’ve caught some kind of cold. Oh well, there’s no time to complain – there’s a bike trip to be done!

Friday morning will find me up and on the road early, heading over to Steve and Janice’s driveway. From there, we’ll be blasting the highways and byways, headed south toward DC. At some point when we reach the city (a mere ~10 hours later), I’ll peel off from them and head to K’s house, where I’m sure there will be some cold frosties awaiting a road-dirty traveler.

A quick shower, and then it’ll be out to hit the sights and sounds of VA/DC, depending on where K would like to go. Saturday will probably have a bit of relaxation in the morning, and then it will be more fun for the afternoon and evening.

Sunday will be the main event, full of emotion and gravity. K and I have agreed that again this year; it’ll be better to head into the city and be a spectator, rather than sit in the Pentagon’s parking lot for hours and hours, waiting to finally start moving. It will give us a chance to split the scene as soon as the procession ends, and avoid some of the logjam that inevitably happens.

Being a spectator this year will also be important because I’ve been tasked with a request from a dear friend who has asked that I find a specific name on the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial wall for her. She was kind enough to share a personal story about this person, who, like many others, was cut down in his prime. Finding this hero’s name is the least I can do for her.

Not sure yet if I’m heading back up on Sunday night or on Monday morning. There’s a chance Danno may be coming home sooner than we’d originally thought, so the rush is kinda on to get the bathroom done. Flex, Rex and I are going to do some more work there tonight, before Rex and I have to head off to the Legion Rider’s meeting. I guess I’ll try and put some kind of return-timeline into place tonight, after seeing what those other two guys’ schedules are. Either way, it’s going to be a long, crazy weekend.

I thought things were supposed to settle down for me after the Cinco party?

Who cares, I’m gonna be;

Riding Hard, Taking Chances

Monday, May 23, 2011

10th Annual Cinco de Roasto

So the party has come and gone. Each year is better than the last. I try to keep a running tab of how many attended and I'm currently up to 136. I'm sure I'll see more pics on Facebook and I'll see more folks in those that I didn't count. It's tough to keep track when you've got people partying out front, out back and everywhere in between.

We did the biggest pig yet (200 lbs), plus 6 whole chickens (+ tons of side dishes that everyone brought - thanks!). There were some leftovers so we may need to pare things down a bit for next year, but who can say.

So many laughs, so many great stories, so much fun. Many new faces this year and that means many new friends to look forward to riding and hanging around with this summer. For everyone that made the trip out, thanks for coming by and helping us celebrate the Rapture. Oh, that's right, it never happened. Looks like we get to plan another Cinco de Roasto for next year!

But that's 'next' year, which means I'm "off" from party planning for the rest of the summer. Nice!! That means I can get my posts back to being bike-themed! (True, I said I owed you a lot of photo's from the house projects, but do you really care about them? You probably just want bike pics, so that is what you shall get!).

And speaking of bike-themes, we did the Matt Brown run yesterday. The weather was a bit iffy looking in the morning, but it cleared up a bit in the afternoon. Turnout was decent (250 bikes) - not like last year (400+), but still not so bad.\

I'm taking Thurs and Friday off this week; Thursday will be prepping for DC and Friday will find me and a few others heading down to Rolling Thunder. Cannot wait to hit the highway!! (But until then; it's back to work...)

Again, thanks to all that partied with us on Saturday! Now it's time to...

Ride Hard, Take Chances!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cinco '11

The ice luge is on the fire @ the end of the eve. Another year down. So much work... Wish we were doing it all over again tomorrow. Hey wait, it is tomorrow...

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Breakfast & Beer

Friday, May 20, 2011


Out w/McCarthy getting supplies for Cinco. Never should have followed his directions. (I left the life preservers at home.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Only 24 Hours In A Day

The time-crunch is on. 3 sleeps until 100+ people arrive at my house on Saturday to hopefully kick another successful Cinco de Roasto into high gear. As usual, I didn't get anywhere near as much done as I would have like to, but I'm out of time. My focus has had to shift to other tasks that are a bit more important than party-planning.

Danno has moved into a rehab facility, and that's great news for him - it's a step closer to home. But it also means we have more stuff on our plate. See, since he's going to basically be immobilized for 3-6 months while he heals, he can't be going up and down stairs. Which means he needs a new bathroom put in on the main floor of his house. Me, Flex, Rex and Plumber Dave were over last night and scoped things out. Tonight, the demolition starts so we can move forward with the construction phase. Word on the street is Danno could be home in a week, so that means we gotta get rollin'.

And speaking of rollin', the poor bastards from Olean will be hitting the road tomorrow morning, heading East. I say "poor bastards" because it looks like they'll be riding through two days of the same BS weather we've been dealing with for over a week now. Where the F is Spring?? Where the F is the sun?? Those guys are going to need a nice warm shower and a cold beer when they finally arrive in Walpole on Friday. Sending them wishes for a safe (and not entirely soaked) ride out.

Not sure if I'll have a chance to post before the Cinco festivities. If you read this blog, I expect to see you on Saturday. Come gather and raise a middle finger to the rain gods with us.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Danno's Gonna Sleep Well Tonight!

The painkiller cart arrived @ Danno's room. Because it's got "Really Good" stuff in it, it's always locked. However, the nurse just unlocked it & walked away...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This one's for Wayne

We attended the annual PBP pig roast today. There was a great turnout, with tons of bikes. Lots of friends-not-seen-since-last year that we were so happy to see after far-too-long. Lots of ducks around, too! But no lobsters...not until WE arrived! Thanks to Wayne for the one-up!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Breakin' Him Out!!

Danno's woe's continue. Matt and I were in to see him again last night and he had more bad news; his hip is broken, too (this is in addition to the broken pelvis). The physical therapy team had been in earlier in the day to try and get him to walk around a bit, but they said not to put any weight on the leg with the busted hip (right side). So he was using a walker to basically hop on one foot, all while his severely hammered and swollen package is being bounced all over the place. Not a good time.

Here's a pic of him. It's a steam treatment to help break up the congestion in his lungs. I told him he should stick a nice fat cigar into the end of it (this brought a nasty look from the lung technician).

We got a kick out of the "Safety Risk" sign the hospital had tacked to the wall behind him. Turns out it's to let anyone attending to him know that he cannot stand on his own. (Yeah, so don't be asking him to walk around!!)

While we were there, it came to light that he was overdue for his pain meds. Overdue by almost 2 hours! When we finally got a nurse to come in, they checked his records...only to find that the docs were waging a bit of a pissing contest with each other. One doc wants him on one type, another doc wants him on another. So they were cancelling his prescripts. All well and good, except this left Danno in the middle, without any meds to take. The nurses finally got it straightened out and gave him some morphine.

On top of all THAT, he met with the ortho doc this morning, and the news was bad. Turns out BOTH hips are broken, and they don't want him walking AT ALL. (So what was up with the whole hopping on one foot thing yesterday? Time to knock that shit off!)

I told him that place is wrong for him. The longer he stays, the more problems he's being diagnosed with. I said the only way he's going to heal is if we bust him out of there.

We've located a wheelchair, painted some flames on it, and bolted an oxygen tank to the underside. First chance we get, we're aiming him for the door, kicking the valve off the top of that tank and setting our rocket-man free...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Troubles in Two-Wheeled Town

Danno is still laid up in the hospital. He's been able to take a few steps now and then, but the pain is still pretty severe. On top of that, he's now contracted pneumonia from being immobilized. Poor guy can't get a break. Once they get him stabilized, he'll be off to a rehab hospital for a stretch, and then finally; home.

On another note; Matty went to pick up his brand new bike last night. I don't yet know full details, but I believe the dealership f'd some things up when they were wiring in an accessory and wound up frying some wires. Bottom line is the dealership has both his old bike (traded in), his new bike (being repaired), and Matty is without two wheels. The village mob is threatening to light some torches and begin pelting the building with them if they don't make things right, and soon.

Not a good start to the year so far...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Danno's Down But Still Up

Spent a lot of time visiting with Danno yesterday. Visiting hours didn't start until noon, so of course we went in well before that. Received a few looks from the hospital staff, but they were pretty good natured about it. (Even the nurses in the elevator, when Matt (good naturedly) called me out for smuggling kahlua in.)

Despite the pain he's in, Danno's still crackin' jokes. Every time we laugh, he chuckles and then immediately winces in pain and says not to make him laugh. And then he says something funny again. Wish he'd make up his mind.

After a while, Me, Matt and Chris M. took a break from the visiting thing and headed over to the tow yard whereDanno's bike was taken. The front end was stuffed in, as expected.

Also as expected; the rest of the bike was pretty intact. Including the nice new pipes Danno had just put on. Hope he's got receipts.

Danno obviously had tightened his grip on the bars as soon as the car appeared in front of him. They were bent over forwards, as you can see in the next pic. (I kinda liked the Indian Larry thing that happened to his clutch lever when the bike came down...)

We then headed back over to see the man and show him the pics. As expected (a lot of expectations today), he was not keen on seeing his bike in such a state. The downtubes are bent in, and speaking as someone who has just gone through the whole 'frame damage' thing, I assured him the bike would be totaled. (I'm big on cheering people up when they're laying immobile in the hospital.)

Folks have been asking what happened. While I wasn't there, the picture has been described in good detail. The group was heading East on 106 (one lane of traffic). Traffic on the westbound side (one lane) was stopped. On the westbound side of 106 is a shopping plaza. On the eastbound side (directly across), is a bank. A lady was looking to exit the shopping plaza and go to the bank - and needed to cross directly across both lanes of traffic. As mentioned; the west bound side was stopped. So the lady in the parking lot shot out across both lanes without checking that the east bound lane was clear. It was not. Danno was there. And then he wasn't.

Back to the visiting/recovering thing; his ability to go home rests on whether he can walk or not. He was unable to yesterday, so he'd earned himself another night in the sick ward. Hopefully he'll be doing better today and can move to the more comfortable setting of being with his family in his home.

Send him and his family some thoughts. They could use 'em.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Beer Nuts? How About Beer + Nuts.

Stopped @ a bar for beer & a bite. Buckets of nuts and cold BL talls! Country music, though. Hold on, the waitresses are line dancing! I may need another beer.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Look twice, save a life. Danno got wiped out by a stupid cager this morning. Broken pelvis and lots of bruising. Hoping he can come home from hospital soon.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Small Beers

The beer glasses are small...better only have about 40 of them.

Birthday Present?

I called the bank in New York to see what the status was on the paperwork I'm waiting for. Apparently it was mailed out on Tuesday, the 3rd.

Tuesday? That's a full week after I called them the first time. I'm not sure how that equates to "We'll get that sent right out", but at least it's (allegedly) en route.

As King suggested to me earlier today; maybe there'll be a birthday present waiting for me in my mailbox when I get home...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Burned By My Nephew

My niece plays softball, my nephew plays baseball. I play softball. My nephew asks if I ever played baseball. I say no. He says "So you went right into the girl's sport." Little bastard is only 9!! LOL