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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oh Snap!

Potsy does not approve of the inferior quality of the wood.

Yes, we lost one of the poles. It must have been the ride across the Woodrow Wilson bridge. I tried to keep the speed down but I guess it wasn't slow enough. Thankfully the broken pole didn't slam around too badly. (I connected them together with a metal brace to help make things sturdier, and that brace kept the pole and flag from falling to the highway when the pole snapped.)

Also thankfully, the snapped end didn't seem to have banged up the paint at all. I'll check again later but I think I dodged a major bullet.

K's friend Rob took the broken pole off my hands for me and I folded the Patriot Guard flag into the tour pack. At this point, now that I know there is a question about the structural integrity of these poles, that after tomorrow, I'll take the US Flag off the remaining pole and just dispose of it (the pole) here. I'll bring the flags back home and rig up a stronger, better, faster setup.

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