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Monday, January 4, 2016

Not A Bad Idea...

I checked the weather on TV last night before I hit the hay.  I wanted to see if I'd be able to ride in today or not.  And what do you know; the best winter we've had in years, is still going strong; cold temps, but clear skies.  Sweet!  Looks like I'm riding in!

After gearing up this morning, I strolled out to the garage and rolled up the door.  And was greeted with white flakes, falling from the sky.

What the...?

So I pulled my phone out and checked the weather again.  And was again assured that the chance of precipitation today was a solid zero percent.  I looked up at the solid gray sky, then again at the falling white stuff around me, and then back at my phone.  I had to wipe the accumulating snow off of the screen so that I could make sure I was seeing things correctly, but there was no mistake; the weather app was calling for clear skies and zero snow.

Huh.  Well how about that, I must be imagining things.

I shrugged and fired the bike up anyway.  I mean, certainly this snow that was falling around me must be an anomaly, and wouldn't last long.

As I got closer and closer to work, the snow actually picked up.  The main drag wasn't covered in white yet, but the side streets were looking pretty pale in color.  I usually take some side roads on my way in but opted to skip them today because of the condition they looked to be in.

Arriving at work, a guy who I don't know (he works on a different floor) was walking past and called out "Are you gonna put snow tires on that thing??".

Snow tires...that's not a bad idea...

Ride Hard, Don't look at the white stuff that's still falling from the sky...

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