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Monday, February 1, 2016

I Believe This Is A First...

February 2nd and I rode in to work today.  I don't think I've been able to say that before.  We usually keep an eye on things and see if we can squeeze in a ride on Dec 31 and/or Jan 1st, but we've never even held out hope of being able to ride on Feb 1st.  The weather is usually beyond lousy at this point; roads painted white with salt, slush and ice everywhere, single digits.  Nasty!  But not this year.  This year we were able to ride on Christmas, on Dec 31st, on New Year's Day, and almost every day since then.

Looking out my window, I can a few piles of snow scattered here and there.  Small reminders that it is indeed wintertime, officially.  But seeing the blazing sun, having walked outside at lunch and enjoyed the near 60+ degrees, and hearing reports that we're probably going to break temperature records...it all seems like spring has sprung.  And I'd be ok with that.

Yes, we all know what happened last year but I am beginning to feel that maybe this year will be different.  Maybe we won't have a compressed hell of snowmageddon to deal with.  I sure hope not.

I'm getting too used to this riding almost year 'round thing.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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