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Friday, February 19, 2016

NY Pic Addendum!

I completely forgot about this thing until I found it in my wallet just now.

When we were all at the Post on Saturday night, Lynner pulled out this chip that I had never seen before...

She said it was "very" old.  I would say so - we've been going out there for...15 years?  More?  Anyway; a very long time, and I have never seen one of these chips before.  I even asked Mary and she said she hadn't seen one of these in forever.

Anyway, Lynner was going to turn it in to the bar for a drink and I asked if I could have it, instead.  She said yep, so now this will take up a place of honor on the shelves downstairs next to the bar.  I love old stuff like this that has relevance to us!

'Course, Lynner's probably going to want to exchange it for some whiskey when she's out here in May.  She's like that.  :-)

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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