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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My Pal Phil

Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early Spring today, which is fantastic news! (All things considered though, it would seem that an early Spring has already arrived.)

My excitement was tempered when I did a little research and found that Phil's success rate floats around 39%. That would indicate that Phil would be more accurate if his interpretations were reversed. IE: seeing no shadow indicates 6 more weeks if winter.

Ordinarily, being advised of 6 more weeks of winter would be devastating, but if it means 6 more weeks of the kind of weather we've been seeing of late,  I'm ok with that.

Which leaves things at kind of a "6-of-one/half-a-dozen-of-the-other". Do we get an early Spring (nice), or do we get 6 more weeks of the decent weather we've been having (also nice).

I guess I could flip a coin.  Statistically speaking, I'd have a better chance of success than Phil...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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