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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A King's Holiday

I realized this morning that I never posted anything about the King and Queen’s winter.  You see, for as not-bad a winter as the rest of us have had, Dabeed and Pat have been enjoying a much better one.  They’ve been in Myrtle Beach for the past couple of months, enjoying better weather than we have had.

Myrtle Beach!  Am I jealous?  Or course, but they deserve it.  They’ve certainly paid their dues over the years.  Hell, anyone that didn’t jump at the chance to get away from the winter season that Olean brings, with its bitter artic temps and lake-effect snowfalls, would be a court jester (fool).  My winter hasn’t even been that bad, but I still wish I’d been in Myrtle Beach for the past couple of months!  (But since it wasn’t me, I’m glad it was folks that I know.)

Like all good things, though, their winter escape is drawing to a close; King says they’re due back home on Saturday.  But it’s not all bad, for like the return of the Robins in my back yard; the return of the Royal Couple signals that Winter is just about over and Spring is right around the corner.

Welcome back, King and Pat!  Hopefully you'll remember to pack gifts of warmth and sunshine for all of your loyal subjects.  J

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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