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Tuesday, March 8, 2016


I crossed paths with another rider on my way in to work this morning.  He was going in the opposite direction but we did the nonchalant wave as we sped past each other and on toward our respective destinations.  I imagine this will get more common as the temps continue to rise, but it was a brisk 31 out this morning so I wasn’t expecting to see anyone else for a while.  Hell, at least not until…well…tomorrow, when the temps are supposed to hit 70!!  Wa-Hoo!

Tons of rain forecast for Thursday but we need it.  The plow guys went frikkin’ ballistic last week with the salt.  We had a skimcoat of precipitation and I think they’ve been feeling the pinch in their wallets due to the lack of plowing income, so they all hit the roadways to make up for lost time.  Seriously.  Many of the roads around here couldn’t be whiter if you’d broken out buckets of whitewash paint and rolled a few coats down.

It’s so bad (How bad is it?) that when you go for a ride, it’s like you’re flying through tender puffs of gentle clouds…except the pretty clouds are actually billowing wafts of toxic chemicals.  Delightful.

Anyway, the rain on Thursday should get rid of all of that nasty white stuff.

At least until Friday, when we’re slated to get another skimcoat…

Ride Hard, Take Chances Breathing

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