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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Being 50 Is Great!

Last week, I found out my friends from work are a bunch of conspiritors who surprised me with eats and drinks for my birthday.  I thought that was a lot of fun, and I gave them props for pulling one over on me...

...that paled to what happened on Saturday, though.  Talk about conspiritors!  I won't go into details because you were all there anyway.  What a blast!!  The apparent planning that went into this, the sheer number of people who knew about it, and the ruses that were put into place...on top of that, nobody let anything slip beforehand!  I almost stumbled upon things at the Post on Saturday when I swung down to drop off a set of patches for our newest Rider, Fred.

Billy Cabino was sitting in his truck in the parking lot, and when I asked him what he was doing there (the place wasn't open yet), he said his wife was shopping across the street and he was going to have a beer while waiting, when the Post opened (in 5 minutes).  Talk about quick thinking on your feet!  It made sense to me, so handed him the patches and beat feet back home.  Turns out  I missed the whole decorating crew by a few minutes, as they were showing up at noontime to decorate the hall.

The ruse that Carlos, Cindy and Rob put into place to get me not only to the Post, but to do it in such a fashion that I had no idea where I was, nor did I think I was at whatever final destination was in store for the day (I thought it was only a minor detour, something that Rob wanted to show Cindy, then we'd be back at Patriot Place to resume whatever plan she had in mind for my birthday).  Truly, truly impressive!!

When the blindfolds came off and I saw all your faces....you all made this guy feel like a million bucks, and I am truly blessed to count you all as my friends!!

So far, this being 50 thing is awesome!!

I can't wait to see how you guys top this next year, when I turn 51...  :-D

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