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Friday, May 6, 2016

Exhilaration and Aggravation

Brought my bike to the dealership this morning. They don't open til 10, but I like to get here early to make sure I'm first in line. Which means a wicked run through rush hour traffic into Boston! Cars and trucks switching lanes without warning, minimal directional usage, sudden braking - what a rush!! I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me...A great feeling of being alive!! 'Course...it's dangerous as he'll so I'm glad I don't do it every day.

I arrived safely (7:25 - only took 45 minutes!), rode up to the service door and shut her down. Nobody else here, just the way I like it.

Stretched my legs, pulled a book out of my saddlebags, and found a place to sit down.

A moment later, Bob,  one of the service managers pulls in. He's super early - probably getting things set up ahead of time.

He's friendly, and asks what I'm having done. When he hears me say the 25k service, he says "Oh, so you're dropping it off."
"Nope, I was planning on waiting for it."
"25k is a big service, we don't do same-day on that one."
"Looks like I'm taking a loaner home then."
"I don't think we have one available."
"A loaner is included with the service package I bought."
"You have to give us 48 hours notice."
"I called a week and a half ago to make this appointment."
"But did you request a loaner at that time?"
"No, requesting a loaner has never been needed before. The last time I was here, I was told I needed to give 24 hour notice for an appt, and if a loaner was needed, I'd be given one. I called a week and a half ago to make this appt, and said what service i was bringing it in for. Nothing was mentioned about needing to make a loaner request. The story seems to change every time I come here, Bob."
"I'm afraid that's what the service contract requires, but let me look and see what I can do for you."
"Ok, thanks."
So now I'm waiting for the place to open...in two hours, to see where we go from here. I might be stuck just taking it home and rescheduling.

Thanks Harley.

Actually, I shouldn't be like that. This place has done well by me before, so I'll keep my fingers crossed that things will work out ok.

Wish me luck...

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