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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cinco Countdown

I keep telling myself I'm in good shape for this weekend but then I keep remembering things I still need to do.  McCarthy and I are going shopping tomorrow (food shopping, not shoe shopping), and will pick up the chickens, beans ingredients, supplies, etc.  I've gotta hit the liquor store at some point before noon on Friday, as well as finish clearing out some of the wooded area.  Mow the lawn, clean the house, pre-cook the stuff for the beans, laundry, make up the spare beds, get the tables and canopies set up out back.and probably a bunch of other things which I won't recall until folks start arriving on Saturday.

The pig has been ordered, and the order has been confirmed.  It'll be ready for us on Sat morning.  Breakfast - I'll need a headcount to give the cafe' beforehand so they can seat us.  I should probably give Chickie Flynn's a heads-up that we'll have a decent sized crew coming in on Friday night.

Sunday's bike blessing is locked down.  Weather doesn't look great, but the Father doing the blessing has confirmed that he's in rain or shine (I like this guy) so that's a go.

I'm splitting from work a little early today, gotta pick Matt up at his house and bring him to Mom's so he can pick up his bike; he had two new skins put on so he'll be ready to rock and roll again.  Also gotta swing by the hospital tonight to visit Kev.  Nothing terribly serious but he was admitted with viral bronchitis which has enflamed his lungs and he can't keep his oxygen levels up.  If all goes well, he'll be discharged tomorrow but will most likely need to keep a low profile for a while until he's all better.

Still have a bunch of work here at the job to wrap up before I head out the door, too.

Most of the Olean crew is on the road as I'm banging these words out.  King, Tim and Lynner (and maybe Flash and a couple others) are headed to the Cobleskill hotel for tonight, then they'll hit the road tomorrow and have about 250 miles to knock out before they reach Walpole.  Sounds like the weather is cooperating for them and it'll be a couple of nice leisurely days for them.

Myszka and Erin are leaving on Friday at some point, I believe, and Mark is always a wild card whether he's able to make it out or not (I'm hoping he's able to).

I could use a couple days like that, myself.

I'm not bitching.  It's a mad pace but I wouldn't do it if I wasn't having fun, and this weekend is one of the highlights of my year.  Given how good Saturday's weather looks, and what I'm hearing along the gossip trails, it's gonna be a good turnout.  Can't wait to see everyone!

An interesting digression; word came to me earlier this week that Walpole PD was placing extra men on duty in anticipation of my party because they believed that this is a 1%'er party.  I talked to one of the cops I'm friends with, he talked to the detectives, and this turned out to be a false rumor.  But leave the automatic weapons and methamphetamines at home, just to be safe.

Ok, I think that brings everyone up to speed.  I'm gonna post this and get back to work so that I can get out of here.

It's almost time to Cinco!

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