Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Interwebs Have Arrived!

I broke down and signed up for home interweb access. Yep; I'm slowly catching up to things.....that have been available for years.

The biggest reason for dragging my feet was the cost.  I could afford it, but why would I?  I had my phone so if I absolutely had to look something up, I could.  But if I needed to research anything, I could do it from here at work...er...I mean...after hours.  Yeah; after hours.

Recently, though, my cable provider informed me that they were running a special; $19.99 a month, locked in for two years.  Huh.  Well that doesn't sound bad at all - let's do this!

So I signed up, took the equipment home, and readied myself to be connected.  But the connection wouldn't happen.  I followed all the steps outlined in the documentation (and in the on-line videos which I was able to see thanks to my phone), but no luck.

A quick call to the service dept was answered almost immediatley (nice!) and I was speaking with a wonderful person who checked things out for me.  Turns out there were two problems; the first was that I'd missed a step when I was activating my modem/router (there was no mention of this in the videos or documentation). Second; there were some settings on their end which had to be corrected.  I asked if that was somehing I should have seen or fixed and she said no, I wouldn't have had access to them.  So it was a fault-fault, I guess.

And ta-da!  Success!  I was connected, Wi-Fi and everything!

While she was on the phone, she asked what I would like to change my network name to (they give you a generic, alphanumeric one to begin with).  Hmmm...what to call my network.  Then it came to me...

I said "Let's call it 'tavern'".

"'Tavern?' she asked."

Yep; tavern.  Because that's what my friends think my house is.

So there you have it.  I know have internet access...at my tavern.

Come on by for a beer and a byte.

Get it?

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