Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jello's and Hello's

Started making the jello shots last night! Stopped at a party supply store and stocked up on the cups and lids, then shot to a food store to pick up the jello. The girl at the checkout gave me a knowing smile but didn't say anything. I mean; I show up at the register and all I'm buying is 20 packages of jello. What else would I be doing with it?

Wait a second...maybe she thought I was managing a jello wrestling league and she smiled because she wanted in! DAMN! I never thought of that...

Anyway, the first batch of shots is complete. Green jello and green apple vodka (folks like to know I put that extra bit of effort into making these shots, and nothing says 'I care' like matching flavors to colors).

Later in the evening, my phone rang and I was pleasanty surprised to see that it was a couple that we know from the 'Vous. I haven't spoken to them since last year so it was fantastic to catch up. We're all getting excited for next week! We get to see brothers and sisters that we haven't seen for 355.25 days! Can't wait!

But in the meantime, I've gotta slog through another 7 days of work before the madness ensues.

I think I can make it...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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