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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Laconia fades behind, 'Vous looms ahead!

We had a successful trip up to Laconia this past weekend. Friday night was just a couple of beers and relaxing at the house with Zig, his son Randy, and Randy's friend Chris. Saturday morning we shot over to Weir's for the token walkabout. There were plenty of bikes and people milling around, but at least a third of the vendors hadn't even opened shop yet. Oh well, no great loss.

The rest of the day was spent riding some of the scenic roadways far away from the congestion that is Weir's beach during rally week. We even managed to find a "Lost River" and explored some of the mini caves therein. When the day was winding down, a quick shot to the food store supplied us with the ingredients for grilling and chilling back at the house.

Sunday dawned overcast and drizzly. We chowed some breakfast and hit the road for home. The pavement was thoroughly soaked as we got closer and closer to home - and we later found out that it had poured unmercifully only an hour before we'd arrived - but we made it home without encountering any rain.

All in all, a nice and relaxing weekend. Now the rush is on to get everything lined up for the trip out to the VOUS!!! I made the last batches of jello shots tonight. I haven't been keeping track of how many I'm making, but judging from the number of cups that I bought and how many are left, I think I'm going to be bringing something closer to 850, rather than the planned 750. No worries! I'm sure we can handle them.

Weather out in Pattersonville looks like it shouldn't be too bad. Some chances of scattered thunderstorms each day, but as of right now; no soaking rains are forecast. Let's hope that holds true for us.

Three sleeps left! Can't wait...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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