Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Modifications and Minivans

Sorry folks, I'd hoped to accomplish a modification to the Fatboy over the weekend and post a tech tip for you today but it didn't happen - I spent too much of my weekend testing the physical limitations (and recovery abilities) of my liver. But it's all for a good reason; the Rendezvous is coming up fast and my liver will need all the fortitude it can muster!

Speaking of the 'Vous; I'll have to start getting the jello shots prepared. Last year, I brought 1,000 of them and it wound up being a few too many. I know! Shocking! So this year I'm going to bring it back down to 750 and that should be good. I've got a week and a half to get them made, so shouldn't be a problem.

Heading to Laconia this weekend. I haven't overnighted that event in years, opting to just day-trip it, instead. But Zig called and said he's bringing his son and one of his son's friends up there for the weekend so I figure what the hell. Take the ride, kick back at the house and relax some, etc. Not sure yet if I'll head up on Fri or Sat; prob depend on weather.

Keep an eye on your rear view mirrors! I almost got my ticket punched on Saturday morning by a woman in a minivan that decided to pass me when I was taking a turn. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have a problem with this. However, in this instance, I was taking a right and the minivan opted to pass...on the right.

She'd been way over the speed limit (judging by the skid marks and length of time that her tires were screaming), but luckily we managed to keep her front end out of my lap. Although, when we finally came to a stop, there wasn't even enough room for me to put my right foot down. I was ready to lay into her but she basically had a breakdown right in front of me when she realized she'd almost cashed me in. I got her (and her kids, who were pretty scared, too) calmed down and stressed the importance of paying attention. When she seemed like she had a handle on things again, I mosied back on my way. (Meaning I rode around the corner, out of sight, and pulled over to let the shakes work their way out of my system.)

Every day is an adventure...but I haven't had as close a one as that in some time. Let's hope I don't again, for a long time, eh?

Ride Hard, Take Chances.
And watch out for the other drivers, 'cause they sure ain't looking out for you!

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