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Monday, October 21, 2013

1st Annual Legion Riders Halloween Bash & Annual Halloween Run

Halloween was in the air this weekend!  First, on Saturday night, we held our first annual American Legion Riders Halloween Bash.  There was music, dancing, and merriment all around. And food?  Good lord...we were worrired we wouldn't have enough but when it came to party time, our guests more than came through.  We were running out of room on the FOUR tables we had set up, and could have fed an entire army.

Here's a pic of the sheet cake that Artie and Edie brought.  I had to snap a pic (and a close-up) of the image, I thought it was so cool.

I resurrected my Beaker costume from years ago.  It's seen some hard times, but managed to survive one more party.  I'd forgotten how hot it got inside the head, as well as how it was basically impossible to eat or drink with it on.  Folks kept sticking straw into my beer so I could mange, but no thanks - I've heard too many horror stories about wicked hangovers, drinking beer through a straw.

I lasted as long as possible but eventually ditched the thing and spent the rest of the night in comfort.  Besides, he was falling apart again!  When it came time to clean up, I made the tough decision to part ways.  I knew I wouldn't be wearing this again, so it was the end of the line.  Sorry Beak, we had some good times together, but now it's the dumpster for ya.  (You can see he was shocked by my cold-heartedness.)

Sunday was the Annual Halloween Run.  The weather dawned much warmer and clearer than last year's run, so I figured I was safe rigging up the Haunted Hitchhiker onto the lower back of the bike again.  (He made it through, unscathed.)

The same two mini skulls on the passing lamps (with the lampst turned off, of course).

An added bonus - Mike had made it up from Jersey!  And he had his trusty skeleton mounted onto his bike once again.

Alas, the turnout at my house was quite dismal this year.  Folks are being real weenies lately, but we still had a great day nonetheless.

We shot over to the run, registered, and set the kickstands in the parking lot out back.  A buddy of mine that was already parked, told me we'd just missed a nice old-fashioned beat-down.  His story was corroborated a bit later when I bumped into Jan, who also informed me that I'd missed the show.  Apparently some guy had been posting some kind of chit about a member of the Outlaws, and the Outlaws had come to pay him a visit.  Apparently there were raised voices, some shoving, followed by the obligatory fisticuffs and blood.   I guess the guy who had been talking smack, wound up receiving the smacking.  Too bad I missed it, but again; we still had a great day nonetheless.

Strolling around the grounds, there were some folks who were in the spirit of things.  First; the Geico money guy...

This bike was pretty cool.  The key was off, but the lights in the eyes were lit up.  Pretty sharp.

Another Geico money guy!  (Can you imagine their embarassment at showing up to the party, wearing the same outfit?)

This little guy seemed to be having a great time...

I didn't snap a pic of my costume, but it was the same thing I usually wear; the skull mask and gloves.  Each year when I put it on, I'm reminded of how I don't have any real peripheral vision, how the mask presses uncomfortably into my nose and chin, and how basically uncomfortable it is all around.  Then, on the run, the kids lining the streets always point me out, shout out how much they love the skull, clapping and cheering, etc.  That feels awesome, and I remind myself that I need to wear the mask again next year.

The after-party was the usual; a band, some food, and lots of laughs.  We watched the first half of the Pats game then hammered over to the Legion for the second half (what a way to lose!!) and rounded out the day with more laughter and good times.  It was a good day all around.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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