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Friday, October 18, 2013


I shot over to the bike shop yesterday to drop off some money for parts and while I was there, I figured I'd pick Stu's brain.  See, every time I do an oil change on the bike, the black slop runs over the front of my frame, the front motor mount, etc.  Just makes a big mess.  So I figured Stu might have a trick to keeping things clean when he does oil changes.  Well...he doesn't.  But, he did say that he'd bought one of those sleeves that are supposed to cup under the filter, catch the oil, and run it over to a funnel on the opposite side (in the pic below, the drain funnel is the little open slot on the left) preventing a big mess...

And then to my surprise, he said I could have it.  Really?  Sweet!  LOL, but then came the explanation.  He said it didn't work for him at all, but he attributed that mostly to the fact that when he's working on a bike, it's up on the lift, and chocked/strapped into position - meaning it's straight up and down.  However, since when I do oil changes, my bike will be on the 'stand and leaning over, there's a chance it may work for me.

I'll know for sure when my next service time comes up.  Which has been slow to arrive of late because of the repairs my bike needs.  Hopefully after this next surgery session, I'll be good to go, and will then have an answer on the oil catcher for you.

Until then...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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