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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

WTF Mother Nature?!?!

We had a fantastic dousing rain yesterday - heavy, heavy downpours that were sure to wash any residual salt and or sand off of the roadways, leaving us with nice and clean paths to enjoy on our two-wheeled vehicles.  Not that we've held back at all of late - we've been out ripping up the roadways quite a bit.  But, having freshly washed surfaces is a fantastic way to move things along toward the full-on motorycle season.

So imagine my dismay when I looked out my window this morning and saw that we had SNOW on the ground!!  SNOW!!!  It's halfway through April!!  Checking the temp...32 degrees.  Exactly the temperature needed to freeze the roadways!

Surely the towns and municipalities - the same ones who'd been clamoring about having run out of funds for their salt/sanding crews, not to mention having been whining about the great road-salt shortage of 2014 - surely these towns wouldn't bother to go out and salt/sand the roadways on a morning such as this, right?

Wrong.  There were DPW trucks out en masse.  And they weren't being stingy with their payloads, either!  Not only were they salting and sanding the roadways, it seemed as if they were trying to get rid of any excess surplus they had.  More than once, I found myself driving over mounds of the stuff.  Awesome - I'm sure we won't have any more good soaking rains until at least...oh....let's say May 17th.

Mother Nature can kiss my ball bag.

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