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Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I was out riding with Nelly on Saturday and we were exploring some new deep-wooded roadways we haven't ridden before.  As we rounded a corner, I spotted something and thought "Man, I would really like to turn around and get a picture of that."  However, Nelly was in the lead at that point, and the roadways were too narrow and windy for me to make any kind of attempt at riding up next to him to get his attention.  I resigned myself to trying to remember how we'd gotten there so that I could return at some point and get the pic taken.

As luck would have it, we came upon a stop sign less than a mile later, which allowed us a chance to discuss which direction we'd go in, next.  It also allowed me the opportunity to let him know that we needed to go back so that I could snap the pic.

So, I present you with the thing which caught my eye;


But what kind of danger?  (Aside from the sign-eating trees!)  The top word can still be made out; "BAD", but the bottom word wasn't so easy to make out.  I zoomed way in on the pic to see if I could make out what the word had been.  My best guess was "Curve" (especially since there were lots of very sharp turns in the area), but I wasn't certain.

So I did a Google Images search to see if Bad / Danger / Curve was a common sign...and couldn't believe what I stumbled upon;


It a guys blog post from April 2009, and it's got the exact same sign.  It's got the red/rust coloring over the "A" and everything.  In his pic (from 4.5  years ago), it's easy to see that the bottom word was indeed "CURVE".  The thing that's even more interesting about this is the guy whose blog it is, claims to be from South Carolina.  So how did he get the pic?  It was way, WAY off of the beaten path.  (Judging from the other pics in his post, it looks like he may have Googled it himself.)

Pretty cool.  And another example of how you never know what you're going to stumble upon when you roll that front tire out of your garage...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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