Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Cure For Winter Blues

Winter hasn't even officially started yet, but that doesn't mean the winter blues aren't on my mind.  All too soon; the bike will be away and the temps will be in the single digits and life will be miserable.  Well...it'll be miserable right up until February 19th, that is.  That's when me, Matt, Rex and Zig are flying down to Florida to do a repeat of the whirlwind bike trip from 2011!

We got together at Rex's last night to hammer out the details and to book the flights, make some bike and hotel reservations, and to hoist a few celebratory cocktails in our own honor.

We're flying in to Orlando, picking up bikes and hightailing it for Key Largo, then on to Key West.  From there, it'll be looping back up to Englewood to party with that crew again.

I think this is the first time I've ever looked forward to February's arrival.  Well sure, I looked forward to the trip in 2011, but I had no idea how much fun we were going to have.  Now, we do know, so I am way more psyched for February to get here this time around.

It'll be so nice to ride in sunshine and warm temps again...not the mid 20's and 30's that are greeting me these past few mornings.

Ahhh...sun, fun, and mischief.  Can't wait!

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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