Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Monday, December 15, 2014

It's The Little Things That Can Drain You

As the weather has gotten colder and the daily bike riding has morphed into every other day...then every few days...and then once a week (as weather would allow), I'd begun to notice that when I first cranked the bike over, the battery had been sounding weaker and weaker.  The bike is still effectively brand new (5 months old), so I was worried that my battery was a lemon.

Then it occurred to me early last week; I wondered if my iPod - which I'd been leaving connected on the bike - was draining the battery?  At first thought, it seemed implausible.  How could that tiny little thing register a significant drain on anything?  But, after the bike almost didn't start last week, I figured what the hell, I'll disconnect it and see if it makes a difference.  I'd taken the bike out for over an hour so when I got home; I knew the battery was fully charged, and I disconnected the iPod when I put her away.

I'd hoped to get out riding on Saturday but unfortunately wound up working here for most of the day.  That meant the bike didn't get rolled out of the garage until yesterday morning.  We'd had some real cold temps since the last time she'd been running, so I crossed my fingers and hit the button.

Vroom!  She fired to life just as strong as she'd ever done.  The battery didn't seem low or tired or anything.  Huh.  How about that.  Disconnecting that little tiny iPod really did seem to have made a difference.

This morning, when I fired her up to bring in to work, it was the same thing; the battery was all kinds of ready.  Well whaddya know.  I guess I need to disconnect that iPod each time I shut the bike down.  Well, at least during the winter months, anyway.

...which reminds me...I forgot to disconnect it when I arrived this morning...

I'll be right back...

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