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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Season Ain't Over Yet!

The weather yesterday was calling for snow and sleet and messy stuff for the commute home, so I didn't bother to bring the bike to work.  (I didn't really mind because the temps were floating around 17 degrees!)

But after having driven home on clear roadways, without any precipitation, I felt gypped.  Where was the cold wet slick stuff they'd called for?  Bastards!  Well, there was only one thing to do; take the bike out!  Besides, the temps had climbed all the way up to the mid 20's so let's go!

I puttered around until my toes began to really complain about things and then headed back home.  It'd been a short ride (about an hour), but still felt great!  I'm about 300 miles shy of 8k on the odometer and I'm hoping I can click it over before the end of the year arrives.

Now I realize some of you may be thinking...8,000 miles?  That's all??  Yes...but don't forget that I haven't had this bike all year long.  I only picked it up about halfway through July...and I was away for three weeks...so 8,000 miles for roughly 5 months ain't too shabby.

Walking out my door this morning, I was greeted with a sheet of ice on my driveway.  The salt trucks had been out so the roads were mostly pretty decent.  There were some black ice spots which helped make the commute in a bit interesting, but the really good news is that it's been Pouring all day long.  And I mean; POURING!  So all the salt is long gone and those roads will be good to ride again...when the rain stops in two days...although the temps are supposed to drop again, so it'll be close...

Only three weeks left in the year!!  Get those miles on!!

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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