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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Dealership Delays

I'm really unhappy with the dealership.  Sunday, the tech I was dealing with told me that the pulley would be covered but the belt...maybe not, but they would try.  They said the back fender piece which was rattling, would be covered.  We left it with them saying they'd call corporate warranty dept to see what parts were covered and what wasn't, and that I would call them on Monday to get my bike scheduled for a return visit.

Monday morning; I call and they tell me they haven't called on the warranty yet, but they will do so later in the afternoon and get back to me.

Monday evening; I call and they haven't called on the warranty yet.  The guy I'm talking to (I should have gotten his name) said he'd personally take this on and would call on the warranty this morning and call me.

This morning; no phone call.

This afternoon; I call and they still haven't called on the warranty.  The guy I'm talking to says the guy I need to speak with isn't in today.  I stop him and say that the guy I spoke to last night said he'd take this over, was going to call this morning, and then was going to call me, so what is going on?  The tech says he'll find the other service manager, talk to him, and call me back.

He calls me back.  No phone call has been made on the warranty, but the service manager believes that NOTHING will be covered; not the pulley's, not the belt, not the fender piece.  I asked if this was definite, or their best-guess, since apparently warranty hasn't been called.  The tech didn't know, he was relaying the info the service manager had given him.

Ok, let's do this so that we can get something going.  Let me pay for the parts so they'll be ordered, then we can figure out what's covered, later.  Can we do that?  We can?  Good, let's do that.  Here's my credit card number.  Wait - how much for the parts?  ($490).  Yikes.  What's your best guess on the entire job?  Whoa...including the parts which I just paid for, it's going to be over a grand.  WTF.

Whatever, let's move on to scheduling.  I'd like to get this in ASAP so I can have it back ASAP, know what I'm saying?  The guys says yes, he sure does...and then proceeds to give me a date two weeks away.  You're Killing Me! I say to him.  He says he wants to give it to his best guy so that it'll be done right, and he's booked up for two weeks.

(The dealership boasts on its website that it has 11 technicians...but there's only one guy who's "the best guy" to do this job?  I wonder how the other 10 techs feel about that, because I know I sure as hell am not impressed.)

What this leaves me facing is being stuck for two weeks with a bike that I'm not excited about riding because of the sounds it's making.  Also; two weeks from now puts it directly in front of the Rendezvous, meaning I'd be stuck taking a vehicle out there.  What The Duck.

Oh yeah; adding insult to injury; the tech I was talking with today said he was working until 7 tonight, that he would make sure that someone called on the warranty and that he would call me back before he left tonight.  This was at 1:30 this afternoon, but unfortunately, I forgot to keep track of the time and before I knew it, it was 7:30...and no phone call.

So that leaves me calling them tomorrow to try and kick someone's ass into gear again.  UNfortunately, they're not open until 9, but I've got a meeting from 8 - noontime.  So there's another morning lost.

Do I tell them to just have their first open tech take the job, and that he'd better do it right because if not and it has to be done again, it's on them?  (Like I'd get anywhere with that.)

Frustration level has moved from DEFCON 4, to DEFCON 3.

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