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Tuesday, June 20, 2017


It's Rendezvous Eve and I'm getting the itch to hit the highways.  I did a quick look-back through prior years' Vous Eve posts and it seems I'm often slammed here at work at this time, needing to get things wapped up so I can head on out.

Not this year, though.  I wrapped up my June plan yesterday, as well as a bunch of other things, just to make sure that I'd be in good shape today.  Well...it worked.  I'm in such good shape that I'm standing here (I have a standing desk), twiddling my thumbs, with not much of anything to do...except wish I was on the road.

'Vous weather looks like it'll be not-bad, but I've learned over the years that forecasts - especially for the Rendezvous - don't mean chit.  But, we'll pack our rain gear and keep our fingers crossed that it stays packed away and unneeded.

We started out with a decent sized crowd this year; just shy of 40.  But, we've had some attrition (Myszka still healing) as well as some dropouts, so I think we're now at about 30.  I never know how many we had for sure until after the weekend is over, and by that time, I'm too drained to bother counting.

So here's wishing all of us who are going; safe travels and great times ahead.  I'll see some of you tomorrow, and most of the rest of you on Thursday.

Rendezvous Hard, Take Chances!!

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