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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Deep Breaths...Deep Breaths...

In a stroke of major luck, things fell into place late on Monday and I was able to retrieve the bike yesterday. Believe me; the stroke of luck had NOTHING to do with the insurance claims guy, he did everything possible to screw things up Every. Step. Of. The. Way.

Ain't that right, Mark? Mark S., from Commerce? Mark S., who can be reached at 1-800...well, never mind. I don't want to get myself into too much trouble here. But suffice to say that the coward never returned my irate phone message that I left him when I was standing in the agent's office, looking at a check that was incorrect.

But moving on. A few deep breaths, a few long stares at the new steed in my garage, and things are good. I'll register it today and will be riding tonight.

There's rides out there to be had, and I can be a part of them again. Who's in? It's time to...


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