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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is The Nightmare Over??

I'd love to say this whole insurance/dealership fiasco was a joke. You know; pop out of a cake and shout "April Fool's!!" or something like that. But unfortunately, it was no dream (but it was a full fledged nightmare). Thankfully, this nightmare seems to be about to end, and 'reality' can start again.

As mentioned yesterday, I found (on-line) a bike that was the same make, model, color, year, (etc.) as the bike I just lost. I went down to check it out this morning and sure enough; there it was, larger than life. The even-better news is this thing was apparently babied by its former owner (I inquired and the previous owner apparently was an older gentleman who had many other bikes in addition to this one.) Anyway, the bike itself is basically stock, but that's ok. It's way cleaner and shinier than mine was...oh, and did I mention the mileage thing? I did, but I'll say it again; 30,000 fewer miles on it!

Ta Da!!

I took it out for a test drive and man, this thing was tight! Shifted great, braked solidly, hummed right along. The shop I bought it from (www.bobsmotorcycles.com) was a pretty cool place. Bob (owner, obviously) was easy to talk to and didn't BS around anything. He said they do a full service on any bike they sell (they have a full shop there), and that he'd even put new tires on it (indeed the tires have a lot of tread on them). I shook his hand and told him he had a sale.

The difference between what the insurance company paid and what this thing cost is certainly tolerable, and overall; I'd say I'm happy with things. I have to wait for the insurance check to show up (supposedly tomorrow) and then can hopefully pick the bike up on Saturday. I'll have to wait until Monday to register it, but with any luck, I'll be riding by Tuesday.

"I'll be riding by Tuesday". What a nice ring that has...

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