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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This Just In; Man is down, gets kicked repeatedly.

Dave-O isn’t feeling the love these days. Here at work, those that don’t know the tale of woe, keep chasing me down to ask how come I haven’t been riding yet. Those that do know the tale, crack up when they see the look of indignant resignation spread across my face each time this question comes up. But the pain doesn’t end there. Oh no, that would be too kind. There’s a running gag among some of the girls. See, there’s a couple of scooters for sale nearby and the conversation has revolved around which one I’d look better on, the bright pink one or the canary yellow one.

Moving along, my company has its annual kid’s carnival party coming up in a couple of weeks. A few of my friends here have said I should attend – there’ll be tricycles there that I can ride.

And adding even more insult to injury, I finally received a call-back from one of the adjusters. It came as no surprise to hear that he had no information for me - he’d been away on vacation and didn’t know where things stood. When I expressed my frustration at how long things have dragged out, how no one seems to have any answers for me, and how, at this point, I don’t even know if my bike will ever see the light of day again, he said he understood. I asked him specifically; “Do you? Do you really understand the level of frustration I’m going through? Do you understand how I’m going insane without being able to ride?” His response was exactly the wrong thing to say. He said “I totally get it. I ride, too! I was out this past weekend – it was BEAUTIFUL out!!”.

Where’s that defibrillator, I’m going into cardiopulmonary arrest…

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